Weekly Photo Challenge – Happy

What makes Mary Happy.  First lets explore the secret of happiness.  It has long been sort after by rich and poor alike.  Man has tried to ply his life with many trinkets along the way in order to make himself happy.  After amassing huge fortunes some find they are absolutely sad.  They  have no joy, and the trinkets did not  bring the happiness promised in glossy magazines.

The secret of happiness is just that “Be Happy”.  Enjoy where you are on the way to where you are going to quote Joyce Meyer.  Yes, that is right happiness is a state of mind.  You decide whether or not you are going to be happy.

IMG 4411 Moon and Venus
Checking the early morning night sky brings me happiness.

Now that we have cleared that up, lets see some of the things that I derive a great deal of happiness from.

I get up early each day.  Approximately around 4am.  I have a routine I follow, this make me feel comfortable.  I put the kettle on and go out the back and look out over the Pacific Ocean and up into the sky.  Orion and Venus, Jupiter, The Pleiades, they have all been there to greet me.  Watching the moon go through its varies phases over the nights of the month.   I am a cow,  when its too beautiful I have to wake others up to see what I see.  I am simply not satisfied to see these mesmerizing sights alone.  I am definitely happier sharing the moments.

I make a quick coffee and don my dawn outfit that outsmarts the midgees that attack ferociously at this hour.  Tripod in hand, I head off with my camera with a skip in my step and the sun hasn’t yet risen.

SAM 7701 City and Colour

Music is one of the good things in life.  Going to concerts to see any of my favorite live artists perform is guaranteed to put a huge smile on my face for weeks leading up to and after the event.  Above is a shot of City and Colour performing.  I was over the moon to see Dallas Green.  I videoed their performance of an old Neil Young song Hurricane.  You can find it on You tube if you want.  I was pretty happy I managed that too

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For as long as I can remember I wanted to go out to the centre of Australia to Uluru.  When I was in the plane circling over the top of Uluru preparing to land at Connellan Airport at Yulara I had a smile a mile wide on my face.  I was so happy my face hurt from smiling so big and being so awestruck by the sights I was already seeing out there.  What an amazing place to visit thats for sure,.  I felt like I was truly at the place where time began.

I know that these things I have written about and photographed are really all the types of superficial things that make people happy.  Truth is, it is a choice whether or not we are happy.  Being a state of mind means we have the choice to change when ever we choose.   What a great Photo Challenge subject.   I was happy to show you my choices and I look forward  to looking at what things you choose to show me what brings happiness into the lives of my fellow bloggers.  Peace.


  1. Through nature, through small, subtle things, through music, through passion, through traveling …. ah the source of happiness. It’s true that it doesn’t matter what your life status is. It’s a matter of how high or low your level of desire is. You just gotta learn to be content.

    • Learning to be content is a task for most Rommel. Patience is another because there is a large percentage now more than ever who have lost touch with reality and the seasons and they have no idea and no patience either!

I am honoured you have given me your time, plz say g'day!