Why DID U have 2 Go?

I want you back. . . Why did you have to go?
It’s just not the same without you.
Why did you want to hurt me like you were such a pro?

We still get mail with your name on it.
It makes me sad each time to just see these envelopes.
My energy levels dive violently into free fall
and once again I know there nothing left,
No dreams No hopes!

…I’m always thinking about you.
It never fails to make me teary-eyed.
I love you guys just so much
why did you have to go.
I miss you a lotz
but Im guessing you obviously don’t know.
Otherwise you never have had to go.

God! this makes me so fully mad
because this has taken you away.
Its left huge holes where you used to play
and tug on my heart strings in every way

Sometimes when I’m all alone and I have time to think.
I think about you and I cry and cry and cry.
I ask the same questions daily
I always just ask why?

Some people think “oh you should be over this”
But then I think to myself
you don’t know how it feels
Never a word let alone a kiss
or  how hard it is to make any sense of it at all
Or why I am supposed to be over it.

My head hurts nonstop,
nothings fine and  I’m about to cry.
Its hard to type down these words
as my eyes fill with tears and start to blur.

When I try to speak about you
i choke and then I start to cry
I miss you so much guys
Why did you have to go?

Dark cloud of Death

One comment

I am honoured you have given me your time, plz say g'day!